We provide TaxBuzz as a resource that provides a space for open feedback and commentary on tax accountants in our database. We review every comment that is posted to ensure that it is appropriate and complies with the content guidelines set forth in our Terms and Conditions of Use.
If you are a professional who has claimed your listing on our site, you are able to respond directly to reviews, both positive and negative. It has been our experience that a simple, professional response to a negative comment is often the one that is best received by those visiting the site, as they interpret a response to negative feedback as an indication of your interest, engagement and professionalism. Argumentation is not recommended: instead, we suggest a response that acknowledges that the reviewer had a bad experience and suggests that some kind of remediation can take place. An example of an effective response to a bad review would be: "We have read your review and are interested in discussing your issue further. We are dedicated to providing great service, so please contact us to see how we can remedy the situation and provide you with a more satisfactory experience."
Negative reviews are a frustrating fact of our interconnected world, and handling them in a positive manner reflects well on your business, your service, and your professionalism. One of the biggest concerns that we have heard from tax professionals with profiles on our site is that non-clients may leave negative reviews. If you believe that this has happened to you, please let us know so that we can investigate the review. We have a dispute process that involves contacting the reviewer and asking pointed questions about whether they in fact used your service. We also ask if they would like to make any revisions to their review. If they confirm that they were a client and that they want the review to remain as it is (or if they indicate that any changes should be made), then the profile will remain on the site and reflect that.
At TaxBuzz.com, we do not verify the content of the posted reviews. All comments are the sole responsibility of those who post them. ClientWhys, Inc., (DBA TaxBuzz.com) refers our users to Section 230 of Title 47 of the United States Code, which holds that we cannot be held liable for the availability of the site or comments that are posted therein. If you have concerns about content that a reviewer has posted, email us at [email protected]
and request that a client review undergoes our dispute process. If you would like to strengthen the impact of your profile, we suggest that you solicit reviews from clients past and present. The most recent reviews are placed at the top of the reviews on each individual profile.