1 review
Las Vegas Certified Public Accountant Thomas Skala
Thomas Skala is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) practice based in Las Vegas, NV. Thomas Skala can assist you with your tax preparation, planning, bookkeeping, and accounting needs.
Additional Information
HQ Location
8229 Arch Bay Lane Las Vegas, NV 89128
(702) 301-5198
Service Lines
Tax Preparation
Tax Planning
Business Consulting
Payroll & HR
Tax Problems
Tax Preparation
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1 reviews
I've used Thomas Skala to file federal an state returns for several years now, after he was recommended to me by a friend. I live in Colorado, whereas his office is in Vegas, and I was hesitant at first due to the distance. If you are able to easily fax or scan a document and convert it to a PDF, however, it is no inconvenience at all.The difference you feel when you begin dealing with an actual expert as opposed to some joe shmoe HR block type is immense. I have had tax returns filed incorrectly by professionals in the past. I save so much time and worry knowing that when I have a tax question it will be answered accurately. I don't have to double check every detail, reading through horrific IRS docs in an attempt to verify what I've been told.The reality is that current tax law is so complicated that the majority of CPAs probably do not even possess the faculties to properly digest it. You need an intelligent person assisting you, otherwise the help you get may be worse than no help at all. I'm glad I found one such accountant, and I wish it hadn't taken so long.
Jeffrey F.
Colorado Springs, CO
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