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The 5 Best Movies About Accountants

The 5 Best Movies About Accountants

The Ben Affleck film "The Accountant" is still in theaters, proving once again that accountants are a force to be reckoned with. Though his character in the film may not be entirely representative of what a real accountant does every day (he IS a gun-wielding accountant who "cooks the books" for some of the biggest criminals in the world, after all), he does continue a fine tradition of financial professionals in film that has existed for almost as long as film has been around in the first place. With that in mind, below is a list of five of the best movies EVER to feature an accountant, all of which go a long way towards doing the profession proud.

The Shawshank Redemption

While "The Shawshank Redemption" is first and foremost a film about the transformative experience hope can give a person who has been wrongly convicted of a serious crime, many people forget that not only is lead character Andy Dufresne an accountant, but there are many scenes in the film showing him putting those skills to good use. Slowly and meticulously, he gets the entire staff at Shawshank Penitentiary on his side over many decades - and he even does their taxes! His accountant skills are also how he wins so powerfully in the end.

The Untouchables

If you want a movie that so richly encapsulates why you should NEVER mess with an accountant, look no farther than Brian De Palma's "The Untoutchables." With a masterful script by David Mamet and a cast led by Sean Connery and Kevin Costner, "The Untouchables" tells the (largely true) story of the hardworking team who took down legendary gangster Al Capone for not properly paying his taxes. Remember: if they can get Al Capone, they can get you too.

Midnight Run

"Midnight Run" is one of those underrated 1980s gems that not a lot of people remember, but people who HAVE seen it love it to death. It's the story of a bounty hunter played by Robert De Niro who is hired to bring accountant Jonathan Mardukas (in an incredible performance from Charles Grodin) back to Las Angeles so that he can testify against the criminals that he works for. It's a terrific little action comedy, which unfortunately happened to suffer in public perception because it came out in a period where cinemas were filled with terrific action comedies. It did manage to spawn a few sequels and talks of a remake though.

Night Shift

If you're the type of person who ONLY remembers Michael Keaton as either A) Batman or B) Mr. Mom, stop reading this right now. Go watch "Night Shift," directed by the great Ron Howard, and come back when you're done. While Keaton's character in the amazing "Night Shift" is not an accountant, the character played by Henry Winkler IS. Can you imagine having your taxes done by the Fonz himself? You'd never have to worry about another audit ever again! He'd just slam his fist down on your returns and the IRS would accept them, no questions asked.

Ghostbusters & Ghostbusters II (Tie)

This one may be cheating a bit, but no discussion of movie accountants would be complete without a mention of maybe the best of them all, Louis Tully from "Ghostbusters" and "Ghostbusters II." Louis Tully is a CPA through and through - he even has a rip-roaring dinner party where he invites clients instead of friends so that he can write it off on his taxes. He also scored an incredible deal on aspirin by buying the generic brand in bulk.

"Ghostbusters II", though, is where Tully really shines. Not only does he ALSO show off how versatile he is by representing the "Ghostbusters" in court, but he completely transforms their business into the money-making empire it was always meant to be. He ALSO saves the day at the end, becoming a fifth member of the Ghostbusters team right before the credits role. Can YOUR accountant say that he saved the city of New York from an invasion by a long-dead eastern European emperor? Probably not - but Louis Tully can, which is why he's the best there is at what he does.

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Karen C. Drescher, CPA, CGMA

Karen C. Drescher, CPA, CGMA

Whether it is helping a individual or a Georgia small business with their taxes, or offering to be a backstop through their difficulties, Karen is always there for her clients. When you are a client of Karen's, she always tries to make you feel comfortable in a casual and friendly environment.

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